The News Media “Blame Game”
Let’s face facts, Ron. You suck as a candidate. There are chimpanzees that have more personality than you have. The only reason you’re doing even mediocre well in the race for the GOP nomination is because…
A) You are willing to say anything the most extremist members of the Republican Party want to hear and do anything that validates their hate.
B) There are still some members of the GOP who are not “Trumplicans” and consider you the only alternative to Trump’s complete destruction of the Republican Party.
Now, that all may be a little blunt, but those are the facts. And that is the reason for DeSantis’s anger with the various media outlets. They are reporting the facts about his candidacy — although not in such blunt language.
In the same article, his own campaign manager admits he’s losing by a wide margin to Trump — and the media coverage has nothing to do with it. Even on the normally sympathetic Fox News, the problems with his candidacy are being addressed. And again, he doesn’t like it.
As a final note, there is an old warning about the “shoot the messenger” syndrome. It’s
“when someone blames the media for presenting bad news about a favored cause, person, organization, etc. “Shooting the messenger” may be a time-honored emotional response to unwanted news, but it is not a very effective method of remaining well-informed.”